031 | Marrying the Economy and the Environment with Tim Dunn Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan4 November 2021Career and Leadership, Space, Sea
029 | Space for Art with Nicole Stott Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan21 October 2021Space, Creativity, Career and Leadership
027 | The World of Political Journalism with James Fallows Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan7 October 2021Career and Leadership, Creativity
025 | The Courage to Step Out with Dawn Wright Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan23 September 2021Sea, Career and Leadership
023 | Facilitating Breakthroughs with Adam Kahane Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan9 September 2021Career and Leadership, Creativity
021 | Comic Art, Being a Cartoonist, and Life on the Funny Pages with Jan Eliot Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan26 August 2021Creativity, Career and Leadership
019 | The Unknown North with Jennifer Kingsley Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan12 August 2021Career and Leadership, Creativity, Places
017 | Life's Fabulous Lessons with Dayna Steele Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan29 July 2021Career and Leadership, Creativity, Space
015 | Mid-Ocean Ridges and Interesting Deep Sea Creatures with Cindy Van Dover Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan15 July 2021Sea, Career and Leadership
013 | Diversity, Inclusion & Politics with Yvette McGee Brown Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan1 July 2021Career and Leadership
011 | Mountain Climbing, Deep Ocean Diving & The Purpose of Life with Victor Vescovo Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan17 June 2021Sea, Career and Leadership, Creativity
009 | Performing in and Running a Theater Group with Stacie Boord Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan10 June 2021Creativity, Career and Leadership
007 | Children, Writing, and Elephants with Kim Frank Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan10 June 2021Creativity, Career and Leadership
005 | From Rodeo Queen to Marine Biologist with Emily Newton Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan10 June 2021Sea, Career and Leadership
003 | Who Is the Science Guy? with Bill Nye Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan10 June 2021Space, Creativity, Career and Leadership
001 | Weaving Myths with Morgan Smith Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan10 June 2021Creativity, Career and Leadership