Encore: Who Is the Science Guy? with Bill Nye Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan17 December 2024Space, Creativity, Career and Leadership
123 | Ocean Depths to Space Frontiers with Lisa Marrocchino Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan19 April 2024Creativity, Career and Leadership, Space, Sea
121 | The Actor's Craft with Jane Alexander Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan27 July 2023Creativity, Career and Leadership
120 | The Life of a Participatory Adventurer and Journalist with Jim Clash Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan20 July 2023Creativity, Places, Career and Leadership
119 | The Inventiveness of Fiction with Linda Kass Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan13 July 2023Creativity, Career and Leadership
118 | What Nature Can Teach Us with John Dabiri Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan6 July 2023Sea, Creativity, Career and Leadership
115 | Making Magic Happen On-Stage with Katy Psenicka Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan15 June 2023Career and Leadership, Creativity
102 | When My Boots Melted In Iceland Solo PodcastKathy Sullivan16 March 2023Memorable Moments, Places, Creativity
101 | Not Just Travel Tips with Alastair Humphreys Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan9 March 2023Places, Creativity
100 | I'm a Centurion? Solo PodcastKathy Sullivan2 March 2023Memorable Moments, Space, Sea, Career and Leadership, Places, Creativity
095 | Taking People Around the World with Elizabeth Blount McCormick Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan26 January 2023Career and Leadership, Places, Creativity
093 | Becoming Bill Nye The Science Guy Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan12 January 2023Space, Career and Leadership, Creativity
092 | The Night I Wore a Baked Potato Solo PodcastKathy Sullivan5 January 2023Memorable Moments, Creativity, Space
091 | From Analog Astronaut to Spacecraft Pilot with Astronaut Sian Proctor Guest Interview, Pathways To SpaceKathy Sullivan29 December 2022Space, Creativity, Career and Leadership
089 | Family Afloat: Life Lessons of Two-year Sailing Adventure with Jim Toomey Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan15 December 2022Sea, Creativity, Places
086 | Paths to the New Age of Spaceflight with Janet Kavandi Guest Interview, Pathways To SpaceKathy Sullivan24 November 2022Space, Career and Leadership, Creativity
083 | The Role of Universities in Creating Social Good with Nancy Zimpher Guest InterviewKathy Sullivan3 November 2022Career and Leadership, Creativity