032 | Best-Ever Job Search Hack


Not many realize this, but having your life meticulously planned can be a source of comfort and reassurance. There’s a sense of security in having a map for your future and knowing what happens next. So, you can just imagine how confusing it was for me when the most recent phase of my life ended and I had to decide on what my next phase would entail. Luckily, I had a friend who went through the same phase and, in her journey, she found the best-ever job search hack—I simply had to copy it.


In this episode, I recall the conclusion of my career with NOAA and how I was at a loss on what to do next. You’ll hear about my personal doubts and the dilemma I faced when choosing teaching, going back to the government, or working in Corporate America. I tell the story of my friend who walked the same path I was on and what she did to find her next phase in life. You’ll also learn about how mentoring can make otherwise tricky life decisions easier to reflect on.


"Virtually no one will refuse a courteous request to talk about their world." - Kathy Sullivan

This week on Kathy Sullivan Explores:

●      Finding my next phase when my current one ended

●      Deciding on corporate, academic, or government work

●      How my friend figured out her next phase

●      My doubts about the corporate world and who helped me overcome them

●      Befriending the right people to mentor you for your next phase in life

Spaceship Not Required

I’m Kathy Sullivan, the only person to have walked in space and gone to the deepest point in the ocean.

I’m an explorer, and that doesn’t always have to involve going to some remote or exotic place. It simply requires a commitment to put curiosity into action.

In this podcast, you can explore, reflecting on lessons learned from life so far and from my brilliant and ever-inquisitive guests. We explore together in this very moment from right where you are… spaceship not required.

Welcome to Kathy Sullivan Explores.


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